Category: Uncategorized

What is Docker 0

What is Docker?

Docker has become a buzzword in the world of software development in recent years. But what is Docker, and why is it gaining popularity? In this blog, we will take a look at what...

Difference between NPM and NPX 0

Difference between NPM and NPX

When working with React and other JavaScript frameworks, you may come across the terms npm and npx. Both npm and npx are essential tools for developers working with Node.js, and they play different roles...

Pure & Impure Functions in React 0

Pure and Impure Functions in React

React is a popular library for building user interfaces in JavaScript. One of the key concepts in React is the idea of pure and impure functions. Understanding the difference between these two types of...

ADD_MONTHS in Oracle Database 0

ADD_MONTHS in Oracle Database

Oracle Database is a powerful relational database management system widely used in enterprise applications. It provides a range of built-in functions that simplify complex calculations and date manipulations. One such function is ADD_MONTHS, which...

Implicit Usings in .NET 6 0

Implicit Usings in .NET 6

If you’re a .NET developer, you may have heard about the new feature in .NET 6 called “Implicit Usings”. This feature allows you to omit certain using statements in your C# code, making it...

Tuple in C# 0

What is Tuple in C#

C# has a feature called Tuple which allows you to group together multiple values of different types into a single object. Tuples are immutable, meaning that once you create a tuple, you cannot modify...